Product Information:
1ug of total mRNA per tube, 10 tubes total, dilute according to your needs, a total volume of 10ng of mRNA was delivered to the cells pictured above.
10ug of mRNA per order.
Immediately upon arrival store this reagent at -80°C.
Q: Do I have to combine any reagents before delivering this to my cells?
A: No! Allele's mRNA EXPRESS™ is formulated so it can be delivered to your cells directly. All you have to do is thaw the vial and you are ready to go!
Q: How quickly will my cells express the desired protein?
A: Expression can be seen in as quick as 2 hours post transfection!
Q: Why should I choose mRNA EXPRESS™ over my current method of transfection?
A: This product is one of a kind! You are able to skip the tedious steps of traditional transfection while achieve even higher expression and transfection efficiency!